I just knew we were going to get pregnant that first month! Actually, I knew we were going to get pregnant with twins! They run in my family, and my sister and I are the next in line to get them. Seriously...I just *knew* I was going to get pregnant right away! Ha! Yeah....ummmm....nope.
The first month came and went, and I immediately started to panic. I told my husband something was wrong--I just "knew it." Obviously he told me I was crazy and to just give it more time. We continued trying for several more months. In September of 2011, I wound up in the ER with a ruptured cyst (ouch). The ultrasound tech took one look at my insides (Thank you, internal ultrasound! Ugh...) and told me I would probably never have biological kids. I remember going numb and zoning out, and I don't remember anything else that happened that night. I sat in shock for the remaining hours I was there.
I set up an appointment with my Dr the following week, and after she examined me, she told me there was no reason I would never be able to have kids. She told me the tech spoke out of turn, and "she probably had no idea what she was talking about anyway." I left the office feeling better but still uneasy. I still felt like something wasn't right. Fortunately, my husband started to believe me and was on board with me pushing the doctors along in a diagnosis (typically a doctor won't even consider seeing a patient who has been trying for less than 12 months). I was able to use my cyst experience as leverage to get me appointments twice a month with the nurse practitioner at my OB's office. She started me on all sorts of things: charting my basal body temperature, charting my cervical mucus (so sexy), charting how often we were "doing the deed," using ovulation predictor kits (OPKs), several rounds of blood work each month to check my hormone levels, and once a month internal ultrasounds to monitor everything. This craziness continued for five months with no positive results.
Month after month everything came back great! This was exciting and yet frustrating all at the same time. Everything seemed to be working life clockwork within my body. We were so confused about why we were having trouble! We couldn't find anything wrong!
And then it happened...I missed my period and started having pregnancy symptoms. I told myself to be cautious; after all, we had gone through this before. I went to my Dr, and she did her thing. At the end of my exam, she pushed around on my stomach and said, "It feels like your uterus is fuller than normal....hmmm...looks like I'll see you back in here really soon!" Aghhh! Excitement again! Once again the hubs and I started dreaming of a Christmas announcement (only a few weeks to have to keep the secret!). Three days later I started having severe cramping. I wound up in the ER praying to God it wasn't an ectopic pregnancy. Well...turned out it wasn't any pregnancy. It was just another stupid corpus luteum cyst wreaking havoc in my body. Thus began the period of mourning...again...right before Christmas...again...
Unfortunately, the pain never lessened. I continued to cramp, but I blamed on my period which came a few days later (grrrr....), but the cramps stayed long after that ended. The cramps were AWFUL!!! It was like my period cramps had morphed into a monster and declared war on my insides. I was in intense pain all day, every day. I went to my nurse practitioner asking about endometriosis, and she told me it was a possibility, but they wouldn't do a laparoscopy until they had a few more months of the baseline testing. I was so frustrated because we had been doing baseline testing for months without any indication of any new information. That was when I decided we needed to see a specialist.
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